Beer52 Ltd
Two email promotions omitted significant conditions.
Origin Sleep UK Ltd t/a Origin Mattress
A website implied that a promotion was time limited when this wasn’t the case, made misleading and unsubstantiated savings claims and made unsubstantiated claims about the health properties of their products.
Churchill Retirement Living Ltd
A national newspaper ad failed to include the significant conditions of a promotion, including a closing date.
Samsung Electronics (UK) Ltd
A website promotion misleadingly described a promotional item as “free”, did not make clear promotional items would have to be purchased upfront before being redeemed via a cashback mechanism and omitted significant conditions.
Webloyalty International Ltd t/a Webloyalty, Complete Savings
Two in-app ads and a pop-up banner ad for a shopper reward programme weren't clearly identifiable as ads and didn't make the presentation of choices clear.
Webloyalty International Ltd t/a Webloyalty, Complete Savings
Three webpages on a website for a shopper reward programme failed to make clear the steps that people had to take to obtain a 'welcome reward'.
Sky UK Ltd t/a NOW
A website for Now TV was misleading as it didn’t make it sufficiently clear that free trials, which were automatically added to the basket, would auto-renew at a fee unless cancelled.
Sports Supplements Ltd t/a Bulk
An email contained a promotion which wasn't capable of being used and so wasn't administered fairly.
Sky UK Ltd t/a NOW
A website ad for NOW TV omitted material information about the inclusion of ads in basic streaming membership plans.
Prettylittlething.com Ltd t/a Prettylittlething.com
A series of tweets misleadingly implied that a promotion included all product lines, failed to include the closing dates or times of the promotion and misleadingly implied that further discounts would not be available when the promotion ended.
Whitbread Group plc t/a Premier Inn, Beefeater
A paid-for search ad made misleading claims about the price of hotel rooms.
Aldi Stores Ltd t/a Aldi
A wrap around national press ad made misleading comparative claims which could not be verified, as well as a misleading claim about prices compared to last year.
Simba Sleep Ltd
A website featured misleading claims around reference prices and associated savings.
Lenovo Technology (UK) Ltd
An email contained the misleading claim “Get 10% off any product”.
Space NK Ltd t/a Space.NK
A competition via an Instagram post did not award a prize in accordance with change, was not administered fairly and omitted significant conditions.
House of Fraser Ltd
Media: Email
Topic: Pricing and charges -
Benefex Ltd
Topic: Promotions and competitions