At the December meeting of the Advertising Advisory Committee (AAC), we will be saying a fond farewell to Mike O’Connor and Nabila Zulfiqar, both of whom will have completed six years as members of the Committee. Mike and Nabila drew on diverse experiences across professional conduct regulation, debt advice and the voluntary sector – among other areas – in helping the AAC formulate its advice to CAP and BCAP on the consumer interest in ad regulation. They made significant contributions to organisational thinking on a wide range of issues during their tenure, including gender stereotyping, mid-contract price increases in telecoms advertising, definitions of vulnerability and the impact of advertising on negative body image. We give grateful thanks to them for all their service to the AAC.
At the Committee’s February meeting, we will formally welcome Christine Forde and Craig Simmons to AAC membership. You can read their biographies on our Committees and Panels page. We’re fortunate to be able to ensure continued strength and depth in consumer protection, professional regulation and support for people in vulnerable circumstances, especially at such a challenging time for UK consumers. We look forward to working with them.
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