The ASA’s 100 Children Report provides a fascinating insight into UK children’s real-world mobile phone and tablet use, the platforms and sites they visit and the ads they’re exposed to over the course of one week. The Report also adds significantly to societal understanding of the prevalence and consequences of children registering with false dates of birth on social media. 

We intend that information provided in this Report will help to better inform debate about the effectiveness and the proportionality of the rules that currently restrict ads for alcohol, gambling, foods high in fat, salt or sugar and other age-restricted ads.  Findings from the report also underline the importance of advertisers, agencies and other marketing intermediaries acting collectively to appropriately limit children’s exposure to ads for alcohol, gambling and other age-restricted ads online. 

This can be read in conjunction with the Technical Report, prepared by Kantar.

An infographic giving an overview of how the ASA carried out their 100 Children Report monitoring work.


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