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Financial Support Systems Ltd t/a
IVA Help Now! Over 400 Customers Come To Us Everyday [sic]. Customers Get An Average of £ “Possible Debt Solutions” above tabs titled “IVA”; “Debt Management Plan”; “Trust Deed” and “Other Debt Solutions”. Under IVA, text stated
“Government Approved” in ad (b) suggested that National Debt Service (rather than the IVA solution information and explanation so that a debtor could make an informed judgement about whether an IVA was an discussing the scope of an IVA. National Debt Service said it was correct that the contact form
Fidelitas Group Ltd
stated “Write Off Debts & Save £1000’s – With An IVA Debt Relief Scheme ”. Other text stated “Are Your Debts Causing You Problems & Worries? Get IVA Debt Relief “An Individual Voluntary Agreement (IVA) is subject to the customer meeting qualifying criteria
bankruptcy (usually 12 months) with IVA (usually 60 months), misleadingly suggested they were for bankruptcy when they were in fact for IVAs; and 3. the claim “GET EXPERT ADVICE TODAY website; 5. the risks and fees associated with an IVA were sufficiently prominent; and 6. it was
Flexible Digital Solutions Ltd
restrictions on suitability for an IVA/DMP (individual voluntary arrangement/debt management plan) for which ” programme and they exaggerated the “special” nature of an IVA/DMP for which respondents were ultimately referred; and 5. ad (b) made clear that it was promoting an IVA/DMP and that risks and
National Direct Service t/a Step Debt Support
Qualify For An IVA”. b. The website showed a photograph of a woman
counselling and so could only give advice in “reasonable contemplation of an IVA”, and whether the , because fees applied to an IVA; and 6. the ads made clear the risks associated with an IVA only put someone forward for an IVA. Because Step Debt Support were not qualified to make a
Ashteck Media Ltd t/a Ashteck Media
Arrangement (IVA). The ASA challenged whether: 4. the post in ad (c) was obviously identifiable as a the posts were made aware of the risks and fees associated with IVAs. They said the third parties, to posts was potentially in breach of the Code. They said that they would not work with IVA, debt lead
free of charge” in ad (b) were misleading because the solution offered was an IVA (individual party; and 6. ad (b) did not make clear that the solution was an IVA and the fees and risks that was based on data provided by their partners who offered IVAs, Trust Deeds and Debt Relief Orders
Money Advisor Ltd t/a Money Advisor
number of risks involved in debt management services such as IVAs and Debt Management Plans, including