We’ve produced a new online video for vloggers, bloggers and brands to help them better understand when the advertising rules apply to them.

The visual guide complements our comprehensive new vlogging guidance published earlier this year. Following an Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) ruling in which several vlogs were found to be misleading, we wanted to provide extra resources for vloggers to help them stick to the advertising rules. The video reflects the practical advice in our guidance on how and when the advertising rules apply to vloggers and other online content creators so that they can communicate fairly to their followers.

Vloggers, bloggers and brands: A short guide to the ad rules, provides further clarity to the vlogging and blogging community about what they should consider if they enter into a commercial relationship with a brand or an agency. It highlights that if a vlogger or blogger is paid to promote a product or service and an advertiser controls the message then it becomes an ad. If this occurs then, they must clearly signpost that they’re advertising.

It’s important that we know when

we’re being advertised to. Our

engaging video is a great way for

vloggers, bloggers and brands to

use our guidance so that they

clearly signpost commercially

paid for content.


Shahriar Coupal,
Director of the Committees of Advertising Practice

Specifically, the video brings to life three of the scenarios covered in the guidance. These are:

  • Advertorials – a whole video is in the usual style of the online content creator but the content is controlled by the brand and the creator has been paid
  • Commercial breaks within content – where most of the online content is editorial material but there’s also a specific section dedicated to the promotion of a product
  • Product placement - independent editorial content that also features a commercial message

Director of the Committees of Advertising Practice, Shahriar Coupal said: “It’s important that we know when we’re being advertised to. Our engaging video is a great way for vloggers, bloggers and brands to use our guidance so that they clearly signpost commercially paid for content. ”

The new video can be found on CAP's YouTube channel here.

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