Visual Reporting H2 2023 – Bespoke Copy Advice Service

Visual Reporting H2 2023 – Bespoke Copy Advice Service

Bespoke Copy Advice is a vital service for advertisers, agencies, media owners and media service providers, who want to check how their prospective non-broadcast ads measure up against the CAP Code.

CAP's Copy Advice team can provide pre-publication advice on any non-broadcast ads or campaigns, at any stage - from concepts to imagery and/or copy, or even just an idea or a question. The aim is to help establish any potential issues early and proactively help find solutions.

Under our commitment to transparency in regulation, we wanted to share some information about the work of our Copy Advice team over the past six months.

Enquiries Received & Responded to Within 24-hours

The team responded to a total of 1726 enquiries in H2 2023 and responded within 24-hours on 98.3% of occasions (target 90%).


Enquiries by Sector

In terms of the broad sector categories recorded, ‘Leisure’ (418) was the most represented sector, which includes products such as gambling, TV, film and music. Far fewer enquiries were received regarding ‘Alcohol’ (78), ‘Utilities’ (95) or ‘Food and drink’ (128) ads.

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Top Ten Enquiries by Media Type

The team received a high number of enquiries looking for a view on the acceptability of poster and social media ads.  Ads on advertisers’ own websites and social media also made up a significant number of enquiries.

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Bespoke Copy Advice is just one facet of our advice services, and brands, agencies and media also take advantage, in great numbers, of our online guidance, training seminars etc. 

For more information on our advice and training services, see here.


  • David Elwis

    David Elwis

    Copy Advice Executive

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